The Science Behind Foam Concrete Leveling

The Science Behind Polyurethane Foam Concrete Leveling

The Science Behind Polyurethane Foam Concrete LevelingHave you ever noticed that the concrete around your home or business is unlevel and uneven? If so, then you are probably familiar with the feeling of discomfort it can cause. Luckily, there is a science-backed solution to this problem. Polyurethane concrete leveling is an effective way to level out and even out uneven concrete surfaces in both commercial and residential settings. Let’s take a closer look at the science behind polyurethane concrete leveling.

What is Polyurethane Concrete Leveling?

As the best concrete leveling Houston company, let us discuss… Polyurethane concrete leveling is a process in which an experienced technician uses a specialized injection system to inject polyurethane foam into areas beneath the concrete surface that have become uneven due to settling or other causes. The foam expands and lifts the slab back up to its original level and stabilizes it in place by forming a strong bond between the slab and surrounding soil. This process can be used on interior or exterior concrete surfaces, including patios, driveways, sidewalks, pool decks, garage floors, basements, and more!

The Benefits of Polyurethane Concrete Leveling

One of the biggest benefits of polyurethane foam leveling is that it provides a much faster solution than traditional mudjacking methods which require large amounts of heavy equipment such as pumps and mixers. It also offers greater accuracy because it can be injected precisely where needed without wasting any material or time. In addition to being less labor intensive than traditional methods, polyurethane foam also offers greater longevity since it bonds strongly with soil particles unlike mudjacking which can weaken over time due to erosion from water or other elements. Lastly, polyurethane foams are environmentally friendly since they are made from renewable resources such as soybeans and cornhusks!


Polyurethane foam has revolutionized the way professionals tackle uneven concrete surfaces in both commercial and residential settings. Its fast application time makes it perfect for busy construction sites while its long-lasting results make it ideal for homeowners looking for permanent solutions to their unleveled concrete problems. On top of all this, polyurethanes eco-friendly production process makes them an excellent choice for those looking for green alternatives when tackling their home improvement projects! If you’re dealing with an uneven concrete surface around your property then look no further than polyurethane concrete leveling—the science behind perfect pavement!

If you’re looking to learn more about this great solution, check out the history of slabjacking. Or if you need driveway leveling, pool deck leveling, concrete patio raising, void filling, or other concrete leveling, call us today.