A Comprehensive Overview of Mudjacking

A Comprehensive Overview of Mudjacking

A Comprehensive Overview of MudjackingDo you have an uneven piece of concrete on your property? If so, mudjacking may be the best solution for you. Mudjacking is a process used to raise and level sunken concrete slabs. This method of concrete leveling can help you restore a safe and functional surface with minimal disruption. Let’s take a closer look at what mudjacking is, how it works, and why it might be right for you.

How Does Mudjacking Work?

Mudjacking involves several steps. First, small holes are drilled in the concrete slab that needs to be leveled. Then, a grout mixture made up of soil and cement is pumped through the holes into the void beneath the slab. When the mixture enters this area, it begins to expand and push up against the bottom of the slab until it reaches its desired level. The process takes about two hours per 10 by 10-foot area and does not affect surrounding surfaces during or after repair work.

Benefits of Mudjacking

Mudjacking is often chosen over other methods because it offers numerous advantages. For example, one major benefit is that this method doesn’t require replacement of existing structures; instead, they are restored with minimal disruption to their surroundings. Additionally, mudjacking is less expensive than alternative methods such as replacing or lifting entire sections of existing structures—which makes sense since no new materials are needed when utilizing this approach! Plus, mudjacked surfaces are strong enough to handle foot traffic immediately after the process has been completed.


When it comes to restoring concrete slabs on your property—whether they’ve sunken due to age or environmental factors—mudjacking may be your ideal solution. Not only does this method provide an efficient way to achieve desired results without having to replace existing structures, but it also costs less than other options available on the market today! So if you’re looking for an effective way to restore uneven surfaces around your home or business without breaking the bank, consider giving mudjacking a try. Similarly, we offer a variation of this method, concrete leveling with polyurethane which is another excellent way to raise sinking concrete.

If you need concrete leveling in Dallas, TX, call us today.