The Benefits of Mudjacking and How Long it Lasts

The Benefits of Mudjacking and How Long it Lasts

The Benefits of Mudjacking and How Long it LastsIf you’ve noticed a dip or crack in your concrete, mudjacking may be the solution for you. Not only is it an effective way to repair your concrete, but it’s also cost-effective and efficient. Here’s what mudjacking is, how long it lasts, and the benefits of using it.

What is Mudjacking?

Mudjacking has been around for ages. It is a process where a mixture of sand, water, and cement is injected underneath sunken slabs of concrete to raise them to their original level. A hole is drilled into the slab and then the mixture is pumped underneath with a hydraulic machine until the slab has been raised to its desired height. It usually takes between two hours to half a day depending on the size of the area that needs to be repaired.

How Long Does Mudjacking Last?

The lifespan of mudjacked concrete depends on several factors such as soil type, moisture content, climate conditions, etc. Generally speaking though, mudjack repairs last 10-15 years with proper maintenance. You can help extend its lifespan by ensuring that there are no drainage issues near or around the area where the repair was made. It’s also important to keep an eye out for any new cracks or dips in your concrete as this could indicate that something else needs to be done to ensure that your repair lasts longer than expected.

Benefits of Mudjacking

The primary benefit of mudjacking is that it’s significantly more affordable than other methods of repairing sunken concrete such as replacing cracked slabs or tearing up your entire driveway for repaving purposes. In addition, mudjack repairs are much less disruptive than other methods because they don’t require large amounts of heavy equipment or excavation work which means that you won’t have to worry about disrupting nearby structures or landscape features while getting your job done. Finally, because it takes less time than traditional methods, you won’t have to wait too long before being able to enjoy newly repaired surfaces again!


Houston Mudjacking is an effective way to repair sunken concrete without breaking the bank or disrupting nearby structures or landscape features in order to do so. Repairs usually last 10-15 years when properly maintained with occasional inspections for new cracks and dips throughout those years after repair completion. Whether you need repairs completed on residential property such as driveways or sidewalks or commercial mudjacking in Houston,  properties like parking lots and patios – give us a call today so we can get started on repairing your sunken surface!